
Welcome to the wonderful world of Milky :3

animated gif by the wonderful @WoeBeemee on Twitter ^^

18+ peeps ONLY! Minors leave now!

Heyoo, name's Milky~
24 year old sorta-amateur Blender artist who likes rendering Pokemon with big naughty bits >;3
Here you can find links to my sites for stuff, plus additional info relating to my accountExpect lots of big cocks, boobs, butts and even more beeg X3Enjoy your stay :3

BTW! You can find me on Discord at milky.joelu or my alt milkyeightysix (warning that I don't check that one often)


Welcome to the wonderful world of Milky :3

Yes, you are reading this correctly.
There will be comms sometime soon, oh my~
For now this page is blank, I haven't fully decided on pricing yet, and I'll prolly be a little busy for now, but rest assured I will make a move on comm setup as soon as I can!If you're a mutual by the way... do hit me up in this area if you're interested; I was thinking of doing trial runs with mutuals to see if I can handle taking comms at all



Welcome to the wonderful world of Milky :3


The Jirachi girl OC who started it all

The face of the whole account! Milky is a short, female Jirachi with a lot of (now mostly overcome) shyness and a very cheerful personality. Quite a fan of games, anime, shows, and a lot of pop-culture stuff, showing a lot of this love through the decorative body writing she has on her; mirroring a lot of the aesthetics she enjoys so much!She loves intimacy, often wanting to hug and cuddle with the friends she has. Traits that are also born from her very large amount of time spent asleep, something common with a lot of Jirachis.Speaking of, as a Jirachi, she does hold wishgranting powers, however her ability to significantly bend reality with them is very limited, with even more simple wishes tiring her out very fast; more complex ones having a risk of harming her signficiantly. Her powers are a little muted as a result of being a decendant of the "original" Jirachi; the one who sleeps for thousands of years. Having your offspring all be capable of radically changing the world as we know it is maybe not the best idea ever X3Her powers DO get a signficiant boost on the 7th of July however, due to it being the holiday Tanabata, a huge festival which Jirachis are very relevant to.As far as the... naughty bits go, Milky is quite 'well endowed' and is very easy to excite, so if you have even marginal interest in lewd things, Milky is likely to jump at the chance to engage in such risque things. She's technically a switch, but leans a lot more towards the submissive sides due to how easily she's intimidated due to her shy nature (that isn't to say she's incapable of topping in the right circumstances though)She is capable of giving herself a cock, often prefering to, thanks to some biological weirdness as a result of the 'original' Jirachi being born as a genderless being. Despite all of this, she holds her love for her friend Smoothie above all else.

NAME: Milky
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5' 2" (generally just 'short')
SPECIES: JirachiGENDER: FemaleINTERESTS: Friends, Sleeping, Hugging


The Whimsicott boy who is winning Milky's heart

The second OC made for the account! Smoothie is a short, male Whimsicott, who's a cheeky little gremlin, yet very friendly! Rarely (basically never) seen without his heart-shaped hairclips, and a very nice fragrance to his fluffy hair; he cares quite a lot about the presentation of it, and will fuss a lot over making sure it's as presentable as possible when going out and/or meeting people.He shares a love of rest and sleep with Milky, but holds a very strong passion for graphic design and art, being a freelance artist in his spare time. He also printed the designs on his own and his friend's clothes, taking great pride in the work that he does. He also on-and-off works at a night bar, serving people drinks and... fulfilling other requests :3He wasn't always so cheerful and sociable; in his teenage years, he was very very moody, antisocial and aggressive towards others, as a result of his general dislike towards himself, but he slowly warmed up to a Vileplume friend he met, learned to love himself and others, and tried his hardest to look for passions he enjoyed in his life to try and turn his negative relationships with people around (to quite surprising success!) He's been eager to try and guide his friend Milky with these life lessons, to make her break out of her shyness shell a little, and to generally keep up her lovely positive attitude.Much like Milky, Smoothie is quite well endowed too where it sexually matters. He has very high libido and is naturally capable of growing his shaft even further beyond it's standard size. This isn't without downsides however; if he exceeds a certain size, he tires himself out very, very fast, and will feel a strong urge to sleep for a while after an hour or so. Smoothie is a switch, often being a dominant partner no matter whether or not he tops or bottoms, but it's still entirely possible to catch him off-guard and make him nearly as submissive as Milky is sometimes! Speaking of, he has a strong love for her above all else.

NAME: Smoothie
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 5' 4" (generally just 'short')
SPECIES: WhimsicottGENDER: Male (though he gets confused for a girl often)INTERESTS: Video Games, Art, Sleeping


The Vileplume boy who helped Smoothie find his groove

OC number 3, and this guy's pretty different from everyone else so far! Fizzy is a huge, somwehat reserved, chubby Vileplume who is big into many, many things; if I listed them all, we'd be here all day, heh. Don't be fooled by his physical appearence; he may be on the chunky side, but he's nby no means unfit; he's a very strong individual! He's not much for talking, but he's super friendly and huggable, even if his red eyes and (often) constant shadow being cast over his face from his flower petals make him look a little menacing... ^^;Fizzy is a high-school friend of Smoothie who early-on, got his start in engineering as a desire to improve his irrationally-shakey relationship with steel things (poison types doesn't really mesh well with steel types, after all), and in doing so, found a passion of his own.After his school years, along witha bunch of other similarly huge friends, they all formed a successful garage shop for automobiles, another passion of his. After asking Smoothie to help with graphic design stuff surrounding the business, the two got closer together, and eventually opened up to one-another about their sexualities, often spending a lot of their time together.Nowadays, Fizzy isn't around as often due to working a lot to try and support Milky and Smoothie's shenanigans as best he can, but he still enjoys some well-earned time off with them every now and again. He also has some pretty neat skills on a guitar, but you don't see him play it often.Again, you may see a common trend with the OCs I have; Fizzy is no slouch in terms of girth either! He has the same growth capabilities as Smoothie, but is subject to the same downsides too. Fizzy is a lot more nonchalant when it comes to sex, but finds a lot of enjoyment from indulging in something somebody else is interested in, compared to just his own desires. Because of his size, he's often in more dominant roles, but he can play either role fairly well when he's needed to. He just doesn't make a particularly convincing submissive... ^^;

NAME: Fizzy
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 7' 1" (generally just 'big')
SPECIES: VileplumeGENDER: MaleINTERESTS: Too Many (although special mentions to cooking, food in general, and engineering)



Information is unavailable right now. Perhaps this is somebody on the horizon...?

NAME: ?????
AGE: ??


Welcome to the wonderful world of Milky :3

Here's what to expect
from me!

Nice cute lewdness!

Big cocks, big boobs, big butts!
(and sometimes big guts X3)

...And perhaps some more 'freaky' things every now and again!expect the weird and wonderful X3


Welcome to the wonderful world of Milky :3


- Vanilla stuff
- SFW / Suggestive
- Hyper
- Character interaction
- Cutes!
- Public stuff
- Excessive cum
- Cumflation
- People bein horny dorks

Will do:

- Transformation (eg: goo forms, basically character-based things)
- Quite big hyper
- Weight gain / fat
- Very plus-size proportions
- Sweat
- Loadsa sex toys
- Sleeppyyyy
- Shitposts I guess??? drawing a blank here lmao


- Condom stuff (I ADORE it but it hard to make, sadface)
- Hypnosis
- Raunchy/meanie dialogue
- Large amount of musk (not of the Elon variety)
- Liquid Inflation (water, soda, etc.)
- Micro stuff
- Light BDSM stuff (slaps an shit)
- Preg teasing (so joking about it but not actually having preg)
- Realistic hooman stuff
- Multi-dick / Multi-boob

HARD Maybe:

- Degrading dialogue
- Air Inflation
- Footsies
- Macro stuff (like, towering over cities an shit)
- Cosmic hyper
- Violenciá
- Blood (ONLY applies with SFW for cool imagery)
- Inatimate Transformation
- Preg (ONLY if it's egg-based / not explicitly offspring so I can not involve kiddies, kiddies be gone)
-... Horse dik? (I could easily find myself saying no so IDK, I'd rather know widespread opinion on it)

You'd basically have to be a close friend / I am not posting this on the Milky account if I do it:

- Vore (I'd rather not flashbang people who don't like it for good reason)
- Unorthodox TF (blueberry, IDK are there other types? you know what I mean tho)
- uhhh Nulges? (IDK I know fuck all about them, probably not posting still)
- Taurs? (This one's probably never getting done, very likely would just be on "no"
- probably most animal genetalia goes here too, I just prefer hooman dik

if you are curious about whether or not I'd actually do stuff like this / you want to see it, shoot me a DM over Twitter/BlueSky/Discord


- Rape / noncon
- Dying violent death (obvs in shitposty / game-like context I'm not gonna be anal about it, you know what I mean by this
- Guro / gore
- CoD Points (I hopefully don't have to explain the abbreviation here)
- Animations (my PC will explode)
- Beastiality / Feral
- Scat / farts / very dirty stuff and whatnot (and no you can't say "oh actually these ones smell nice like perfume" to get around it, so don't even try)
- Preg but with the kiddies (kiddies be gone)

Please shoot a DM my way if you have any questions!


Welcome to the wonderful world of Milky :3

Oopsie-doopsy! You clicked on something that isn't finished yet!This site was kind of made in a rush, and it's still a work-in-progress, so please be patient; I will try and get back to finishing this part of the site off when I get spare time to ^^